09 December 2012

Standard Chartered Bank Credit Card

Once again I am back for more saving and benefits. Today I am going to introduce to you the SC (Standard Chartered) cash back.

SC allow each NEW customer to get up to $160 cash back, which mean each new customer can apply 2 card and each card will be credited with $80 cash back upon activation (No transaction required). There are a total of 9 featured CC (Credit Card).

For more information on term and condition: http://www.standardchartered.com.sg/cardform-tnc/index.html
Apply now: http://www.standardchartered.com.sg/personal-banking/cards/card-finder/cards-service-guarantee/en/

Hurry, the promotion valid from 1st Nov 2012 to 31st Jan 2012, don't miss this chance to gain $160 cash back, this amount of money can help to offset retail and online purchases. :-)


  1. This.. I try it.. and gotten the $80 credited..

    Thank you.. earned extra cash..

  2. Hey thanks for the good deal....


  3. Jo: Haha, it's free, why not......
    Zen: Do visit the blog as and when you can, there will be more savvy deals coming along......
